DENTIS Cleanlant Implant Long Term Data

CASE Ⅰ. Cleanlant implant 11.4 years F/U in the mandibular posterior region

Fig. 1.

Pre-op panorama. A 37 years male patient visited clinic for fractured root rest extraction and implant surgery.


CASE Ⅰ. Cleanlant implant 11.4 years F/U in the mandibular posterior region

Fig. 2.

Post-op panorama(Mar. 13, 2007). #46 Extraction, and immediate implant placement with buccal and vertical bone augmentation. (DENTIS Cleanlant Ø4.3 x 10mm on #45, Ø6.0 x 10mm on #47)


CASE Ⅰ. Cleanlant implant 11.4 years F/U in the mandibular posterior region

Fig. 3.

4 years implant f/u panorama(Jan. 25, 2011). There is no significant sign. The peri-implant bone level is similar to before


CASE Ⅰ. Cleanlant implant 11.4 years F/U in the mandibular posterior region

Fig. 4.

8.5 years implant f/u panorama(Oct. 01, 2015). There are no abnormal findings such as bone resorption. The bone at the defect area was regenerated


CASE Ⅰ. Cleanlant implant 11.4 years F/U in the mandibular posterior region

Fig. 5.

11.4 years implant f/u panorama(AUG, 2018). There are no abnormal findings such as bone resorption. The peri-implant bone level remains stable, and it is a normal state.


CASE Ⅱ. Cleanlant implant 7.6 years F/U in the mandibular posterior region

Fig. 6.

Post-op panorama(Mar. 12, 2009). A 53 years female patient visited for implant placement and buccal bone augmentation. (DENTIS Cleanlant Ø4.5 x 10mm on #45, Ø5.0 x 12mm on #46, Ø5.0 x 10mm on #47)


CASE Ⅱ. Cleanlant implant 7.6 years F/U in the mandibular posterior region

Fig. 7.

7.6 years implant f/u panorama (Oct. 26, 2016). There are no abnormal findings. The peri-implant bone level remains stable.


CASE Ⅲ. Cleanlant implant 6 years F/U in the maxillary anterior region

Fig. 8.

Pre-op panorama. A 40 years male patient visited for implant surgery in maxillary anterior


CASE Ⅲ. Cleanlant implant 6 years F/U in the maxillary anterior region

Fig. 9.

Post-op panorama(Aug. 24, 2010). Implant placement with DENTIS Cleanlant Ø4.3 x 10mm on #11, #13, #21, #22, and DENTIS I-FIX Angled type on #12 for temporary crown. And #13, #21 bone augmentation.


CASE Ⅲ. Cleanlant implant 6 years F/U in the maxillary anterior region

Fig. 10.

1 year implant f/u panorama(Sep. 02, 2011). There are no abnormal findings such as bone resorption. The peri-implant bone level remains stable.


CASE Ⅲ. Cleanlant implant 6 years F/U in the maxillary anterior region

Fig. 11.

6 years implant f/u panorama (August 23, 2016). There are no abnormal findings. The peri-implant bone level remains stable, and it is a normal state.


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